Friday, November 16, 2012

Solitude is bliss:
You never know, what life has in store for you!
On a crazy Sunday morning, I got up quite early & made my out of IIT to join few of my friends for a picnic as planned. On the way, I came to know that the plans been canceled [some crap reasons..] Now what?

I absolutely was in no mood to go back but decided to walk on wherever my feet takes to . At first I thought of myself as crazy coz traveling alone without any destination or purpose is something a normal person would not choose; but felt, "its good to be mad sometimes."

Actually it was years back that I woke up so early in the morning & i realized what i missed those years. It was still dark and the air was breezy, just felt gr8!!! I met few joggers on the way & felt some pangs of guilt, becoz, it has been one of my dreams to gate up early & exercise heavily...but as usual it always remained in the plans [I love planning btw :)]

Streets were still asleep, so were the dogs ....

could see some early businessmen [man, they must be really hardworking...another of my 'to be ' dreams !]I got down at Kanjur stn & got ticket for Churchgate (don’t really know why?) ....
Even in such a morning the queue was pretty long and the platform was sufficiently crowded. The morning business had just begun.//

Took some interesting fotos as follows:

Finally my local arrived.//
On the local journey I got very intriguing sites like this deep conversation, deep thought, the basic human curiosity to see//; and sleep enslaving some //
I was so engaged in the photos then a woman said to me, that bogie I entered was meant for ladies after 7 o clk. I understood and got down at next station which was Parel . Lucky was I , to see different kinda commotion over there.
It was a big rush there for uploading the goods on the luggage compartment//. But something caught my eye this self contemplation.//

I got into another train,and could notice something interesting .
This was meant for Dusserhara celebration one of the rare sites I guess//
What if the feet have eyes?//
Finally my destination arrived & had to get down there too saw another kind of rush//
Now where? Really dinn know just went on to subway , then I met “Chingatho”, the security guard on the subway who has been keeping watch since 12 hours and he has no Sundays off !! I moved on & realized I was hungry. Jumped in a juice shoppy. //
See design is everywhere//
Finally my fresh Mosambi Juice is ready // Lovely.
At the end of the subway as I rose up , saw this //
& this//
Hey diid I tell uyou that there was film shooting was going on dunno who really the hero was// , would have been really happy to see Aamir or Hrithik ..oh forget guy…It was still cloudy n raining..and CST building had wore a different shade .//
I saw a double dekker n decided to get into one .. I waited for the bus .I wasn’t alone.//
It stared raining heavily . Finally cud manage to plunge into a double decker for marine drive.
Conductor sat alone on the top floor. Now I can say mumbai’s best mode of transport is double dekker . Some crooks talked of shutting those of, my suggestion is to make those idiots travel by this bus.
Skyline just looked great from the window.
I got down at marine drive and started walking on the seaband. Guys this is the place I love most in Mumbai. I could see a groups of people jogging, chatting ,on a morning walk some just simply sitting.It was still raining but nobody seemed to bother .
Hey now these animals are waiting for…. ? Who?…..//
Ok ,the breakfast is here.//

I decided to shut off my cam …n just sat there on the parapet just wachig the see and enjoyin the rains,seasite n cool breeze.

After about an hour as I grew hungry (& thirsty) I decided to move on and entered in a restaurant called Prateek , had coffee & idli wada .It simply tested gr8 (may be I was hungry).
Then I decided to march towards Gateway , due to heavy raining could not really take my camera out .. so missed few good shots. But some still made on my card like this paper reading // and contemplating mood.
At this moment I was quite tired and decided to take on a taxi . Could not help to take this…
So I took up the train shut off my camera and happily returned hostel buy noon.

Yeah , I agree , sometimes you really do not get what you crave for but actually you get more ..

Certainly solitude is bliss….

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Cartooning hour!

Done during a seminar given by some external Artist .So here's my own art.I am trying to develop some styles & characters of my own.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

My first attempts to create photo collage or photo mosaic. While surfing net just came across a cool software called Easy mosaic....nice n easy to use.

This foto I created from my own photo collections

And this one is created from the same photo